How to make a Guild?
To create a Guild you need to talk to Director Hashima in DATS Center.
Choose the Shop option and buy the Guild Permit for 100M.
Talk again to Director Hashima and choose the Create a Guild option.
Enter your Guild details and you're done.
Digimon Hatching Guide
In Digimon Masters Online the only way to get new digimon is to obtain a Digi-Egg. These digimons are calledMercenary Digimon. Digi-Eggs can be obtained by defeating some digimons.
a Digi-Egg of a Mercenary Digimon
DATA of the type specified by the Digi-Egg
Go to an Incubator and right-click your Digi-Egg
Input DATA into the Incubator
Every time you input DATA there is a 50/50 chance of success/fail. If you fail there is a chance the Digi-Egg will break. To hatch a Digimon you need to successfully insert DATA at least 3 times. You may attempt to successfully input DATA up to 5 times. Doing so will make your new digimon bigger and stronger. Also, to hatch a digimon from the incubator you must not carry more than 2 digimons with you.
Level Up Guide
The best way to level up is by joining a party. You earn experience points everytime a party member defeats a digimon. You can party with up to 3 more people. Also make sure you defeat digimon that are between 0-3 levels higher/lower than you. Any higher/lower earns you less experience points.
Depending on your Digimon's type you should choose which digimon's to defeat in order to level up. Remember Data is strong against Vaccine, Vaccine is strong against Virus and Virus is strong against Data.
Vaccine > Virus > Data > Vaccine
Level 1 to 65:
Lvl 1-3: Tsunomons or Koromons
Lvl 3-7: Demimeramons
Lvl 7-11: Bearmons
Lvl 11-14: Impmons or Togemons
Lvl 14-16: Birdramons
Lvl 16-18: Dobermons or Deputymons
Lvl 18-20: Greymons or Leomon(c)
Lvl 20-25: Boarmons or Stingmons
Lvl 25-31: Garurumons, Gladimons or Icedevimons
Lvl 31-38: Vikalaramons
Lvl 38-41: Saberleomons
Lvl 41-46: Mammothmons
Lvl 46-65: Gizumons or DarkVeemons
Lvl 1-3: Koromons or Tsunomons
Lvl 3-7: Kunemons
Lvl 7-11: Gabumons
Lvl 11-14: Impmons or Togemons
Lvl 14-18: Dobermons
Lvl 18-25: Boarmons
Lvl 25-31: Blossommons
Lvl 31-35: Megadramons
Lvl 35-41: Saberleomons
Lvl 41-46: Seadramons
Lvl 46-65: Gizumons or DarkWormmons / DarkSkullMeramons / DarkSkullGreymons / DarkVeemons
Lvl 1-3: Koromons
Lvl 3-7: Demimeramons
Lvl 7-11: Bearmons
Lvl 11-14: Impmons
Lvl 14-18: Dobermons
Lvl 18-20: Greymons Or Leomons(c)
Lvl 20-25: Stingmons Or Devimons
Lvl 25-34: Megadramons
Lvl 34-41: Neodevimons
Lvl 41-46: Metaletemons
Lvl 46-65: Gizumons or DarkWormmons / DarkBakemons / DarkSkullGreymons / DarkVeemons
For lvl35-46 it is often easier and faster to level a DexDorugreymons in Oil Refinery-3 as the give +-10k exp per kill. Parties are often always hunting these so you may not get as much exp as grinding the other ones though.
Level 46 to 75:
There are two ways to level up to Lvl75.
Way 1 - If you want to maximize your F2 skill
Way 2 - If you dont care about your F2 skill.
Way 1
Lvl 46-51: Metalgreymons
Lvl 51-57: SkullGreymons
Lvl 57-65: Veemons
Lvl 65-75: Gizumons
Way 2
Lvl 46-57: SkullGreymon, if can't kill SkullMeramon (When Lvl51 try SkullGreymon)
Lvl 51-65: Veemons
Lvl 65-75: Gizumons
Second way to lvl up
Lvl 1-9 Kunemon or Dokunemon
Lvl 9-12 Betamon or DemiDevimon
Lvl 12-16 Impmon
Lvl 16-20 Goblimon
Lvl 20-25 Stingmon or Devimon
Lvl 25-30 Icedevimon
Lvl 30-37 MegaDramon, SkullSatamon, Gardromon or Cherrymon
Lvl 37-42 NeoDevimon
Lvl 42-46 Coredramon (virus) or Okuwamon
Now if you have F2 or F3 dmg 2000+ you can go:
GizumonAT lvl 46-75
If you dont have dmg 2000+ go:
Lvl 46-51 DarkWormmon
Lvl 51-56 DarkBakemon
Lvl 56-58 DarkSkullGreymon
Lvl 58-62 MetalEtemon in Distorted data Village (Warped Data Village)
Lvl 62-75 GizumonAT
Lvl 1-9 Tanemon or DemiMeramon
Lvl 9-13 Bearmon
Lvl 13-16 Digmon
Lvl 16-23 Greymon or Sabirdramon
Lvl 23-29 Garurumon or Gladimon in Wind Valley
Lvl 29-33 Gatomon or Monzaemon
Lvl 33-35 MetalGreymon,Garudamon or Panjyamon
Lvl 35-37 V-dramon
Lvl 37-41 Vikaralamon
Lvl 41-43 WareGarurumon in Snowman Village
Lvl 43-46 Mammothmon
F2 or F3 2000+
Lvl 46-75 GizumonAT
F2 or F3 2000-
Lvl 46-51 HellMetalGreymon
Lvl 51-57 DarkSkullMeramon
Lvl 57-62 DarkVeemon
Lvl 62-65 HiAndromon or MegaKabuterimon - Lvl 65-75 GizumonAT
Lvl 62-75 GizumonAT
Lvl 1-9 Demi Meramon
Lvl 9-13 Gabumon
Lvl 13-15 Togemon or Candlemon
Lvl 15-18 Kiwimon
Lvl 18-25 Boarmon
Lvl 25-28 Wizardmon or Icemon
Lvl 28-32 Blossomon
Lvl 32-35 Kyubimon in Ruined Historic
Lvl 35-37 Meteormon or Volcamon in Oil-2
Lvl 37-46 SaberLeomon or Seadramon
F2 or F3 2000+
Lvl 46-75 GizumonAT
F2 or F3 2000-
Lvl 46-53 PileVolcamon
Lvl 53-56 DarkSkullMeramon
Lvl 56-62 MetalGarurumon
Lvl 62-75 GizumonAT
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