Saturday, May 4, 2013
Friday, May 3, 2013
Mercenary Egg List
Here is the list of available digimons with every evolution and skills ( Burst Mode, Side - Evolution, Extra and Mega ). The list includes digimon's evolution, digimon's attack type, digimon's attribute, digimon's family attribute, digimon's nature attribute and list of skills.
Most digimon have 2 skills, but some have 3. However, more skills doesn't make a digimon better than others, since quality > quantity.
BM List
Click here to Zoom
Side-evo list
Click here to Zoom
Extra list
Click here to Zoom
Mega list
Most digimon have 2 skills, but some have 3. However, more skills doesn't make a digimon better than others, since quality > quantity.
BM List
Click here to Zoom
Side-evo list
Click here to Zoom
Extra list
Click here to Zoom
Mega list
Information about Digimon Sizes
Digimon Sizes
To be able to hatch a digimon, you will need to inject at least 3/5 times. Then why should we bother to inject until 4/5 or 5/5 times when there is a risk of breaking the digiegg? The answer is, digimon size.
Below is an example of a 4/5 monodramon.
Digimon's size varies with digimon's stat, the bigger the size, the better the digimon's stat and the stronger the digimon is.
Size dependent: HP, AT, CT, DE
Size independent: DS, AS, HT, BL, EV
For more information on digimons' size and stats, please refer to Digimon Stats.
The only way to change the size of a digimon is to use an item called Miracle Fruit. There are 3 types of Miracle Fruit. However, by using a miracle fruit, digimon's size may increase or decrease depends on your luck.
Miracle Fruit ( Bound ) or Miracle Fruit ( Unbound ), is a normal miracle fruit that can change the size of a digimon.
Fruit of the Goddess is a better version of Miracle Fruit, the only difference is that it said fruit of the goddessdecrease the chance of decreasing the digimon's size.
Giant Growth Fruit is a fruit that can make your digimon taller for a certain period. However, there is no stat change by using giant growth fruit and your digimon will return to its normal size after the effect of giant growth fruit wears off. By applying giant growth fruit, digimon's size can go up to 250%.
Miracle fruits can be used on every Mercenary digimon except for starter.
Digimon Masters online Beginner Guide
Digimon Masters Online Beginners guide
1. Important locations
2. Questing/Grinding for EXP
3. Optimum damage through digivolutions
4. The most economical of the basic Health and DigiSoul items
5. Managing DigiSoul consumption
6. Acquiring your ideal digimon
7. Common terms used in DMO
Closing comments
This is my first guide, so do go easy on me forum :)
Hello tamers! and welcome to this short tips and tricks guide on Digimon Masters Online (DMO). This guide is a hopeful initiative to hel.p new tamers and digimon lovers with their digimon taming and leveling experience on DMO. I apologise if there are already comprehensive or better guides to the subjects that I would like to share, but I do hope that this guide will still prove to be both simple and hel.pful to you. Ofcourse, any form of constructive criticism is welcomed. Remember this guide is for New tamers and for all the veterans out there, any additional advice you have for us would be greatly appreciated! Now enough small talk and on with the guide! :D Cheers!
Advice for Beginners:
Here are some of the few things that have hel.ped me when I was still (and still am) learning the ropes. These are also some of the usual questions that new tamers tend to ask about on DMO. I’ve also included some tips that I thought would’ve been hel.pful if someone told me beforehand what to expect. ;)
1.0 Important locations:
DATS: THE area that connects the digimon world to the real world on DMO. This is also the place where you can find most of your essentials, like Mr.Eggscanning chessmon, warehouse, slot machines, portals to the digiworld, cash shops, vending machines, etc.. This is also the main area where other players go to sell items and open their personal shops.
Warehouse: Your warehouse can be found in the DATS area, it’s managed by the PawnChessmonW on the left of Mr.Richard Sampson. This is where you can go to store the extra stuff you need for later.
Retrieval and Scanning: Managed by another Pawnchessmon, you can find this guy to the right of Mr.Richard Sampson. He scans or buys digimon eggs and certain quest items for you to obtain stuffs inside. You can also find this guy in other places like Yokohama Village and Wind valley in the digital world.
Incubator: you hatch digitamas (hatchable digimon eggs) that you have acquired. You will also need data discs that are of the same type as the digitama egg that you would like to hatch.
2.0 Questing/Grinding:
Questing will form part of the Leveling experience for you during the earlier levels. Later on, some players think that it is more efficient grinding to max level for experience and skill points. Do note however, that questing does provide you with story advancement if you are the roleplaying type. Also, some of the early quests provide you with free partner digimons like kunemon. Do the quests and find out what other partner digimons you can get! :D
If you plan on grinding, always remember and watch out for the types of digimon you are facing. Use type weaknesses and resistances to your advantage based on:
Principle: Vaccine << Data << Virus << Vaccine
Example: Agumon << Renamon << Impmon << Agumon
3.0 Optimum damage through digivolving:
When levelling it is sometimes good to time your evolutions, for example: digivolving to champion stage first, using your most powerful skill while lowering your opponents health, then digivolving to ultimate stage to finish your enemy off. You normally skip rookie stage at later levels because it doesn’t deal enough damage for the amount of hp you take from your opponent. Remember, you have to also think about your decreasing digisoul (mana) while your partner digimon is in more advanced evolutions than the rookie stage.
You could also just focus most of your skill points into the strongest one of your digimon skills. (Note: everytime you digivolve , even in battle, your partner digimon will get his hp and ds restored to max) (Each evolution state does not share its skill points with other stages, example: if you gain and use skill points on rookie skills, this does not affect the available skill points for champion, ultmiate or mega stages)
4.0 Efficiency with using hp and digisoul (mana) items:
I’ve found it to be very hel.pful having food available to you and your digimon partner when fighting in tough areas. A few disk should be enough to hel.p you through a few tight spots. Food and vitamins are useful because they regenerate both your hp and your partners hp/digisoul and it usually is a lot cheaper than buying disk that grant the same amount of recovery. (Ofcourse this is balance by the fact that you cannot eat during a battle but can use disks)
During the lower levels, we will most probably be short on bits (cash), hence using the most efficient food items will hel.p our economy the most while we climb our way to the top. Here are some examples: (Note: I found a page detailing the prices of some food items on the wiki, but some of the item prices for food were different and the prices for disks were not available... basically I had to run a marathon around digitown to get this information for you :D) -Sorry if the allignment is abit off :S
Stick bread 235hp 25 bits 9.40 hp/bit
Red bean bread 330hp 30 bits 11.0 hp/bit
Cream bread 420hp 60 bits 7.00 hp/bit
Butter bread 550hp 105bits 5.20 hp/bit
Milk bread 750hp 150bits 5.00 hp/bit
Toasted bread 900hp 240bits 3.75 hp/bit
Corn bread 1200hp 330bits 3.64 hp/bit
Multi grain bread 1350hp 450bits 3.00 hp/bit
Premium bread 1600hp 600bits 2.60 hp/bit
Vitamin A 85ds 45bits 1.89 ds/bit
Vitamin B 120ds 83bits 1.45 ds/bit
Vitamin C 150ds 164bits 0.92 ds/bit
Medium Vitamin A 250ds 315bits 0.79 ds/bit
Medium Vitamin B 375ds 475bits 0.79 ds/bit
Medium Vitamin C 450ds 663bits 0.68 ds/bit
High Vitamin A 675ds 710bits 0.95 ds/bit
High Vitamin B 800ds 1M 104bits 0.72 ds/bit
HP Disks:
HP Disk A 100hp 30bits 3.33hp/bit
HP Disk B 200hp 36bits 5.55hp/bit
HP Disk C 300hp 72bits 4.16hp/bit
HP Disk D 400hp 126bits 3.17hp/bit
HP Disk E 500hp 180bits 2.78hp/bit
HP Disk F 600hp 288bits 2.08hp/bit
DS Disks:
DS Disk A 50ds 27bits 1.85ds/bit
DS Disk B 100ds 32bits 3.12ds/bit
DS Disk C 250ds 64bits 3.90ds/bit
DS Disk D 300ds 113bits 2.65ds/bit
DS Disk E 375ds 162bits 2.31ds/bit
DS Disk F 700ds 259bits 2.70ds/bit
From this list, we can observe that to have the most bang for your buck, the most efficient source of health points and digisoul for off-battle consumption would be Red Bean Bread and Vitamin As. While the most efficient choice for on-battle consumption would be HP Disk Bs and DS Disk Cs. (Note! Do remember to check the amount of hp/ds you currently have before just blindly buying the most efficient consumables, if you have 200 ds try not to go buying DS Disk Cs because you would be wasting the extra 50ds)
Ofcourse, you can just use this list to see how much each item cost for the amount of bits you put in, and choose according
5.0 Managing Digisoul consumption:
After acquiring a few digivolution stages, you might start to notice that you burst for more damage with a certain digimon stage while being able to maintain a lower but more consistent amount of damage on another stage.
For example, at tamer level 30 and partner digimon level 42, you might notice that the ultimate stage of your digimon burst for the most amount of damage per amount of digisoul spent fighting and maintaining your evolution, while your champion stage is able to maintain a more lower but more consistent amount of damage for a longer period of time. Hence, digivolving to champion, spamming your skills to weaken your opponent, then digivolving to ultimate to burst/finish the enemy off was the optimum sequence for my digimon partner falcomon at this tamer and digimon level. (note this was with 2nd skills maxed out on both champ and ultimate)
Mega form was not viable because not enough skill points were available to boost my partners skills and it did not have the second skill for mega form. (usually 2nd mega skill only unlocks at digimon level 46) Mega form was also too much to maintain without taking any digisoul regenerating items. In fact, simply digivolving from rookie up to mega would also leave me at 10% digisoul, not recommended if you would want to save on food or disks.
TIP: When facing really tough or higher levelled opponent digimons, you could always digivolve to a higher stage, consume some vitamins to max out your digisoul, then engage. Also theres a window when your digimon starts casting its first skill to use another vitamin to add some digisoul in for an extra cast!
Remember every digimon is different, so check and see which stages work better in combination for an optimum amount of damage.
6.0 Acquiring your ideal digimon:
If you are a long time digimon fan (or used to be one when you were a kid) you would still remember that Guilmon from digimon world 3, or that cool kick-butt Leomon from digimon world 1 on PS-one. It would make sense that you would like to have a partner digimon of that specific type on DMO. My basic advice here is just to stay longer grinding areas where one of your digimons digivolutions are available. I’m not forcing you to just grind from lvl 1 to 75 in just those areas, but in between your questing times.
Lets say you like Leomon, then focusing on areas with electmons, leomons, panjyamons, saberleomons will give you a chance of acquiring his digitama-egg. (Ofcourse you could just buy them from the cash shop or from other players if you have the funds ;) ) Remember to also keep the same type of data that you get from scanning eggs as the digimon that you want.
Example: If you want Agumon (dragon type) keep dragon type data discs
Piyomon (bird type) keep bird type data discs
Kunemon (insect type) keep insect type data discs
you get the picture ;)
Most importantly, don’t get discouraged, the drop rates are pretty decent for me personally, but the chances of hatching your ideal egg is insanity xD I almost went in.sane trying to hatch Renamon... ... ... oh wait.. x,x
7.0 Common Digimon terms used here: (For those new to the digimon world)
Digivolution: An advanced stage that your digimon can evolve to.
Digivolve: Evolving from one digimon stage to another, like rookie to champion for
Digitama: An egg that has the capacity to hatch a digimon
Digisoul: Mana in digimon terms
DMO: Digimon Masters Online
Hp: Health points
Mercenary digimon: Digimons that can join and fight for you.
Questing & Grinding: Questing – Doing quests to get level-ups
Grinding – Fighting digimons to get level-ups
Digimon stages: Rookie - the 1st and most basic stage of your digimons form in
Champion – the 2nd stage in the digivolution line
Ultimate – the 3rd stage in the digivolution line
Mega – the 4th and final stage for most digimon lines
Burst – Some digimons can evolve to an extra stage.
Example: Agumon gets a special evolution through a quest at level 75. (I do not own an agumon however and I do not know what this quest involves, but you’ll know when you get there :)
Digimon Master Online Main Guide
How to make a Guild?
To create a Guild you need to talk to Director Hashima in DATS Center.
Choose the Shop option and buy the Guild Permit for 100M.
Talk again to Director Hashima and choose the Create a Guild option.
Enter your Guild details and you're done.
Digimon Hatching Guide
In Digimon Masters Online the only way to get new digimon is to obtain a Digi-Egg. These digimons are calledMercenary Digimon. Digi-Eggs can be obtained by defeating some digimons.
a Digi-Egg of a Mercenary Digimon
DATA of the type specified by the Digi-Egg
Go to an Incubator and right-click your Digi-Egg
Input DATA into the Incubator
Every time you input DATA there is a 50/50 chance of success/fail. If you fail there is a chance the Digi-Egg will break. To hatch a Digimon you need to successfully insert DATA at least 3 times. You may attempt to successfully input DATA up to 5 times. Doing so will make your new digimon bigger and stronger. Also, to hatch a digimon from the incubator you must not carry more than 2 digimons with you.
Level Up Guide
The best way to level up is by joining a party. You earn experience points everytime a party member defeats a digimon. You can party with up to 3 more people. Also make sure you defeat digimon that are between 0-3 levels higher/lower than you. Any higher/lower earns you less experience points.
Depending on your Digimon's type you should choose which digimon's to defeat in order to level up. Remember Data is strong against Vaccine, Vaccine is strong against Virus and Virus is strong against Data.
Vaccine > Virus > Data > Vaccine
Level 1 to 65:
Lvl 1-3: Tsunomons or Koromons
Lvl 3-7: Demimeramons
Lvl 7-11: Bearmons
Lvl 11-14: Impmons or Togemons
Lvl 14-16: Birdramons
Lvl 16-18: Dobermons or Deputymons
Lvl 18-20: Greymons or Leomon(c)
Lvl 20-25: Boarmons or Stingmons
Lvl 25-31: Garurumons, Gladimons or Icedevimons
Lvl 31-38: Vikalaramons
Lvl 38-41: Saberleomons
Lvl 41-46: Mammothmons
Lvl 46-65: Gizumons or DarkVeemons
Lvl 1-3: Koromons or Tsunomons
Lvl 3-7: Kunemons
Lvl 7-11: Gabumons
Lvl 11-14: Impmons or Togemons
Lvl 14-18: Dobermons
Lvl 18-25: Boarmons
Lvl 25-31: Blossommons
Lvl 31-35: Megadramons
Lvl 35-41: Saberleomons
Lvl 41-46: Seadramons
Lvl 46-65: Gizumons or DarkWormmons / DarkSkullMeramons / DarkSkullGreymons / DarkVeemons
Lvl 1-3: Koromons
Lvl 3-7: Demimeramons
Lvl 7-11: Bearmons
Lvl 11-14: Impmons
Lvl 14-18: Dobermons
Lvl 18-20: Greymons Or Leomons(c)
Lvl 20-25: Stingmons Or Devimons
Lvl 25-34: Megadramons
Lvl 34-41: Neodevimons
Lvl 41-46: Metaletemons
Lvl 46-65: Gizumons or DarkWormmons / DarkBakemons / DarkSkullGreymons / DarkVeemons
For lvl35-46 it is often easier and faster to level a DexDorugreymons in Oil Refinery-3 as the give +-10k exp per kill. Parties are often always hunting these so you may not get as much exp as grinding the other ones though.
Level 46 to 75:
There are two ways to level up to Lvl75.
Way 1 - If you want to maximize your F2 skill
Way 2 - If you dont care about your F2 skill.
Way 1
Lvl 46-51: Metalgreymons
Lvl 51-57: SkullGreymons
Lvl 57-65: Veemons
Lvl 65-75: Gizumons
Way 2
Lvl 46-57: SkullGreymon, if can't kill SkullMeramon (When Lvl51 try SkullGreymon)
Lvl 51-65: Veemons
Lvl 65-75: Gizumons
Second way to lvl up
Lvl 1-9 Kunemon or Dokunemon
Lvl 9-12 Betamon or DemiDevimon
Lvl 12-16 Impmon
Lvl 16-20 Goblimon
Lvl 20-25 Stingmon or Devimon
Lvl 25-30 Icedevimon
Lvl 30-37 MegaDramon, SkullSatamon, Gardromon or Cherrymon
Lvl 37-42 NeoDevimon
Lvl 42-46 Coredramon (virus) or Okuwamon
Now if you have F2 or F3 dmg 2000+ you can go:
GizumonAT lvl 46-75
If you dont have dmg 2000+ go:
Lvl 46-51 DarkWormmon
Lvl 51-56 DarkBakemon
Lvl 56-58 DarkSkullGreymon
Lvl 58-62 MetalEtemon in Distorted data Village (Warped Data Village)
Lvl 62-75 GizumonAT
Lvl 1-9 Tanemon or DemiMeramon
Lvl 9-13 Bearmon
Lvl 13-16 Digmon
Lvl 16-23 Greymon or Sabirdramon
Lvl 23-29 Garurumon or Gladimon in Wind Valley
Lvl 29-33 Gatomon or Monzaemon
Lvl 33-35 MetalGreymon,Garudamon or Panjyamon
Lvl 35-37 V-dramon
Lvl 37-41 Vikaralamon
Lvl 41-43 WareGarurumon in Snowman Village
Lvl 43-46 Mammothmon
F2 or F3 2000+
Lvl 46-75 GizumonAT
F2 or F3 2000-
Lvl 46-51 HellMetalGreymon
Lvl 51-57 DarkSkullMeramon
Lvl 57-62 DarkVeemon
Lvl 62-65 HiAndromon or MegaKabuterimon - Lvl 65-75 GizumonAT
Lvl 62-75 GizumonAT
Lvl 1-9 Demi Meramon
Lvl 9-13 Gabumon
Lvl 13-15 Togemon or Candlemon
Lvl 15-18 Kiwimon
Lvl 18-25 Boarmon
Lvl 25-28 Wizardmon or Icemon
Lvl 28-32 Blossomon
Lvl 32-35 Kyubimon in Ruined Historic
Lvl 35-37 Meteormon or Volcamon in Oil-2
Lvl 37-46 SaberLeomon or Seadramon
F2 or F3 2000+
Lvl 46-75 GizumonAT
F2 or F3 2000-
Lvl 46-53 PileVolcamon
Lvl 53-56 DarkSkullMeramon
Lvl 56-62 MetalGarurumon
Lvl 62-75 GizumonAT
Digimon Maze Quest Guide *Entrance*
Digimon Maze Quest Guide *Entrance*
Digivice when tamer's lvl 65 (1M 7B). Talk to Satsuma
Talk to Satsuma (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon at DT
Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon at Labyrinth
Talk to Starmon at Labyrinth (453195exp, 11M 620B). Kill 15 Golemon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (12M 229B). Collect 5 Golemon Rubble from Golemon Chief. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (1M 7B, 3 Jump booster Western, Starmon's Letter , Golemon Rubber ). Talk to Starmon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (1M 7B). Bring Starmon's Letter to Tsuchidarumon at WT
Talk to Starmon (1M 7B). Bring Golemon Rubble to Young Tsuchidarumon at WT
Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B, 2 Jump Booster Western). Talk to Tsuchidarumon. Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon aat Labyrinth
Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Go to area: south east, north east, south west, center, . Talk to Starmon
Talk to Young Tsuchidarumon (24M 458B). Collect 10 Golemon Rubble from Golemon Chief. Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Tsuchidarumon (10M 71B). Kill 10 Cerberumon. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
Digivice when at Digimon Labyrinth Entrance to B2 [south east] (5M 36B). Talk to the statue. Talk to Starmon
Digivice when at Destroyed Holy Land [south west] (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (3M 21B). Talk to Leomon A, B, C. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon (5M 36B, Tsuchidarumon's Invention). Use Tsuchidarumon's Invention to Golemon Chief. Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Tsuchidarumon (10M 71B). Kill 10 Golemon Chief. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Tsuchidarumon (8M 57B). Kill 10 Cerberumon Chief. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Starmon (1M 7B, Flare). Use Flare at Strange Altar [center]. Talk to SuperStarmon
Talk to Starmon (25M 178B). Kill 15 Volcamon, collect 5 Volcamon Helmet from Volcamon Chief. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (20M 148B). Kill 20 CannonBeemon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (13M 92B, Miracle Ruby VII). Collect 8 Sting from CannonBeemon Chief. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B). Search Young Tsuchidarumon at left side of Golemon's area. Talk to Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B, First Aid Kit ). Use First Aid Kit to Young Tsuchidarumon
Digivice when done using First Aid Kit (1M 7B).
Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon (20M 142B). Collect 10 Fire Energy from Volcamon Chief. Talk to Small Tsuchidarumon
Talk to Starmon (18M 128B). Kill 10 PileVolcamon, 5 PileVolcamon Chief. Talk to Digivice
Talk to SuperStarmon (13M 92B). Collect 8 Evil Ring from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth. Talk to SuperStarmon
Talk to Starmon (1M 7B). Bring Evil Ring to Leomon
Talk to Tsuchidarumon (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (1M 7B, Jump Booster Yokohama & Western, DATS Support Request). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Bring DATS Support Request to Satsuma
Talk to SuperStarmon (15M 107B). Collect 10 Suspicious Object from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth. Talk to SuperStarmon
Digivice when done Quest SuperStarmon (1M 7B, Suspicious Object). Talk to SuperStarmon
Digivice when done Quest SuperStarmon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Talk to Elite Scout
Talk to Elite Scout (10M 71B). Use Orders A to Scout A, Orders B to Scout B, Orders C to Scout C. Talk to Elite Scout
Talk to Scout A (20M 142B). Kill 10 Golemon & Cerberumon. Talk to Scout A
Talk to Scout B (1M 7B). Collect 5 Poison from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth.Talk to Scout B
Talk to Scout C (5M 36B). Use 5 Powerful Bomb to PileVolcamon. Talk to Scout C
Talk to Elite Scout (1M 7B). Talk to Scout A. Talk to Scout A
Talk to Scout A (5M 36B, Message for Leomon). Talk to Elite Scout
Talk to Device at North East (30M). Collect Might Power Source from Might Boltmon
Talk to Device at East (30M). Collect Poison Power Source from Poison Boltmon
Talk to Device at South (30M). Collect Fire Power Source from Fire Boltmon
Talk to Device at South West (30M). Collect Darkness Power Source from Darkness Boltmon
Talk to Device at North West (30M). Collect Rock Power Source from Rock Boltmon
Talk to Elite Scout (30M). Talk to Elite Scout
Talk to Anubismon (1M 7B). Talk to Anubismon
Talk to Anubismon (20M 142B, Stone of Summoning). Collect 10 Danger Detector from all Wild Digimon at Labyrinth. Talk to Anubismon
Talk to Anubismon (50M 355B, 3 Labyrinth Entrance Keys). Use Stone of Summoning front of SaberLeomon. Kill Hell Cerberumon. Talk to Anubismon
Digivice when done Q kill Cerberumon (5M 36B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (5M 36B). Talk to Elite Scout
Talk to Elite Scout (50M 355B). Talk to Leomon. Talk to SaberLeomon
Talk to SuperStarmon (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (15M 107B). Kill 15 Gokimon, 5 Gokimon Chief. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (15M 107B). Collect 5 Stink Bomb from Gokimon and use them to Gokimon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (5M 36B, 5 Evil Ring Destroyer). Use 5 Evil Ring Destroyer to Giromon. Talk to Digivice
Talk to Leomon (28M 355B). Collect 5 Scouting Reference Piece from Gladimon. Talk to Leomon
Talk to Leomon (17M 121B). Kill 30 Gladimon. Talk to Digivice
Talk to Leomon (11M 750B). Kill 10 Gladimon Chief. Talk to Leomon
Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Talk to Leomon at Meramon's area
Talk to Digivice (10M 71B). Kill 10 Giromon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (17M 121B). Kill 10 Meramon, 8 Meramon Chief.Talk to Digivice
Talk to Leomon (18M 128M). Collect Lost Reference from Meramon. Talk to Digivice
Talk to Digivice (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (22M 828B). Collect 5 Water Crystal from Meramon. Talk to Digivice
Talk to Digivice (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon
Talk to Starmon (4 DATA Device , 11M 414B). Use them to 4 Dead Leomon.
Talk to Starmon (0B). Talk to 3 Dead Leomon. Talk to Digivice
Talk to Leomon (5M 767B, 2 First Aid). Use them to Injured Leomon. Talk to Digivice
Talk to Starmon (28M 535, Random Plate Egg lv7). Kill 2 Blood Boltmon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Shop Leomon (22M 828B). Kill 20 WaruMonzaemon, Collect 5 WaruMonzaemon's Cloak from WaruMonzaemon Chief. Talk to Shop Leomon
Talk to Leomon (14M 267B). Collect 8 Report Piece from WaruMonzaemon/Giromon. Talk to Leomon
Talk to Device at North West (28M 535, Random Plate Egg lv7). Use Bloody Power Source to Device at North West. Talk to Device
Talk to Device at North West (28M 535, Random Plate Egg lv7). Use Fanatics Power Source to Device at South West. Talk to Device
Talk to Anubismon (1M 7B). Talk to Anubismon. Talk to Anubismon
Talk to Starmon at B1 (1M 7B). Talk to Starmon. Talk to Starmon
Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Talk to Injured Leomon
Talk to Leomon (1M 7B). Kill Boltmon. Talk to Leomon
Talk to Leomon (8M 360, Power Source ). Use it to Device. Kill all element Boltmon until Light Boltmon summoned. collect Power Source use it to Device. Talk to Leomon
Talk to Leomon (12M 540B). Talk to Leomon at Digimon Labyrinth Access
Welcome to DMOB,
I'm happy to present you the best bot ever for Digimon Masters Online with a 5€ subscription fee for a month and its totally working great.
A lot of players had tested it and now their using it for their needs to farm or to level in game.
This Bot is applicable to all the GDMO servers.
I appreciate the Donations :)
You can trade in game items in exchange for the BOT subscription isn't that great?
just contact me if anyone wants to trade
here's the awesome list for in game item trades
I'm happy to present you the best bot ever for Digimon Masters Online with a 5€ subscription fee for a month and its totally working great.
A lot of players had tested it and now their using it for their needs to farm or to level in game.
This Bot is applicable to all the GDMO servers.
I appreciate the Donations :)
You can trade in game items in exchange for the BOT subscription isn't that great?
just contact me if anyone wants to trade
here's the awesome list for in game item trades
I'am only accept the following item for trade:
2 Digimon Archive Expansion - 30 days
14 Inventory Expansion - 10 days
14 Warehouse Expansion - 10 days
100 Clon A - 15 days
120 Clon B - 10 days
4,000,00T - 10 days
5 Evoluter = 30 days
70 MTQE - 25 days
50 MME = 25 days
35 MRE = 25 days
200% EXP BOOST 8pcs = 30 days
PREMIUM EXP 30 days = 120 days
1 BM ITEM = 30 days
140 Digi core - 15 days
12 BackUp Disk- 10 days
2 Mode selector - 30 days
2 Reset capsule A - 15 days
1 Egg of 4/5 - 30 Days
1 Egg of 5/5 - 150 days
For Asia now Accepting MOL points
50 = 30 days
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